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Tom & Kim Westberry
Lead Pastors

Steve Taylor
Elder / Director of IT

Kassidy Gerstenkorn
Director of Operations

Robert Westberry
Director of Product Procurement
The core values are a part of what makes us unique. They are rooted in Scripture and a picture of the Kingdom of God. It is our desire that we actually live this out, because action speaks louder than words when it comes to God’s love. We hope Walking in Victory is known by:
We value the communicating of the message of God’s love for everyone in the entire world. As Ephesians 4:2-10 lays out,
“But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)…” And John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” He sent His son to save the world! For communication of the Gospel to be really effective we must build bridges with our words and our actions. Not just telling someone they are loved by Jesus but also showing love to them.
We value the Great Commission as described in Matthew 28:18-20. “Jesus came and told His disciples, ‘I have been given complete authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’”
We value the conscious efforts of the Church, it its corporate capacity, to proclaim the gospel among peoples in the nations. We value missions, the work of the church to become an irresistible influence to an unbelieving world.
Jesus said “the workers are few”. We are recruiting, training and sending laborers into the harvest. We will do that by training them to serve, creating opportunities for them to serve and supporting them while they serve.
Scripture is clear that we are to be involved with people in need. We are to be reaching out to those in need to show Christ’s love with the goal of meeting their special needs, including their need to know Him.
God intended for the church to be the primary instrument to reach the world and make disciples. All of the staff and board of World Covenant Ministries will be committed, giving and serving members of local congregations. Our major emphasis is to empower and equip members of the Body of Christ to effectively reach the world. To design and support outreaches that allow an opportunity for them to love the lost and the needy. We believe that the local Body of Christ is the Hope of the world. Eph 4:11-12
We define leadership as strategic passionate influence that effects change. We recognize that good leadership is one of the keys to effective ministry. We want to invest in leaders who will be capable of accomplishing outstanding results.
We are committed to establishing long-lasting relationships that will allow us to see the fruits of our work and to have influence over the direction of the projects we support and are involved in. We are not motivated to simply give money or send laborers. We desire for all projects to be an extension of the Kingdom of God.
We value the development of models of ministry that can be sustained and multiplied within the cultural context of which it is implemented.
Walking in Victory, its board and staff affirm our belief in historic Christianity as revealed in the Scriptures.
Our position is specifically as follows. We believe in:
The Holy Trinity
The mystery of the Holy Trinity, namely, that the one God exists eternally in the three persons:
Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and has so revealed Himself to us in the Gospel.
The Lord Jesus Christ
The full deity and full humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, God Incarnate, who by reason of His birth of the Virgin Mary, sinless life, atoning death, bodily resurrection, glorious ascension and triumphant reign, is the only mediator between God and man.
The Holy Scriptures
The trustworthiness of the canonical books of the Old and New Testament as “God’s Word written,” which contains all things necessary for salvation, teach God’s will for His world and have supreme authority for faith, life and the continuous renewal and reform of the Church.
Justification and Sanctification
The justification of the repenting and believing sinner as God’s gracious act of declaring him righteous on the ground of the reconciling death of Christ, who suffered in our place and rose again for us. And sanctification as the gracious continuing activity of the Holy Spirit in the justified believer, perfecting his repentance, nurturing the new life implanted within him, transforming him into Christ’s image and enabling him to do good works in the world.
The Christian Church
The Church as the Body of Christ, whose members belong to the new humanity, are called to live in the world in the power of the Holy Spirit, worshipping God, confessing His truth, proclaiming Christ, witnessing His love through a changed life, supporting one another in love and giving themselves in sacrificial service to those in need.
Spiritual Gifts and Ministry
The calling of all Christians to exercise their God given gifts in ministry, and to work, witness and suffer for Christ: together with the particular calling of ordained ministers, who by preaching, teaching and pastoral care, are to equip God’s people for His service and to present them mature in Christ.
The Return of Christ
The personal return in glory of our Lord Jesus Christ at the end of this church age for the resurrection of the dead (some to life, some to condemnation), for the glorification of His Church, and for the renewal of the whole creation.
Walking in Victory stands as a beacon of faith in Haltom City. We are a place of prayer, peace and joy to all who join us. Our community is richly diverse, with people of different ages and backgrounds coming together to worship and serve together. We welcome all individuals seeking God’s love and our doors are open to every soul seeking to welcome Jesus into their heart. At Walking in Victory Church, you are family.
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